Our Story: The Evolution of the Vintage Computer Museum
Embark on a nostalgic journey through the past, as we celebrate the history of computers and technology that shaped our world.

Welcome to the Vintage Computer Museum! Our humble beginnings date back to the late 90's, and since then, we've grown into a treasure trove of unique and fascinating vintage computer systems. As you explore our collection, you'll be transported back in time, reliving the nostalgia, and marveling at the innovative technology that paved the way for our digital world today.

Our founder, Lajos Loui Kovacs, started collecting vintage computers in the mid-90's, as a result of his passion for repairing older systems from brands like Commodore, Atari, and Apple. As users left behind their outdated systems, Lajos accumulated a collection that soon outgrew his small apartment, with vintage computers stashed under the bed, workbench, and in every nook and cranny.

Rather than sell or recycle these historical gems, Loui decided to preserve them, renting a small storage space to house his growing collection. He then expanded his quest to include European systems such as Sinclair, Schneider, and Oric - the very computers he had owned and cherished back in the 1980's

In 2002, Loui temporarily lost his passion for collecting vintage computers due to a career setback in the airline industry. He was working full time in the industry when he got laid off as a result of the global airline slowdown following the unfortunate 2001 event in New York. However, he bounced back in 2004, diving deeper into the world of vintage computers and actively hunting down rare systems and accessories.

Between 2004 and 2012, the Vintage Computer Museum saw its most rapid growth, adding numerous systems and acquiring the remaining hardware inventory of the company Comspec. By 2012, the Museum had amassed an impressive collection of popular and obscure computer systems, including many that were only available in specific countries.

The pandemic in 2020 provided Loui with the opportunity to relocate and reorganize the museum's inventory. As he meticulously cataloged the collection, he discovered a staggering 600+ unique computer systems and over a thousand hardware accessories. The inventory count even revealed a jaw-dropping 217 boxed Commodore 64 cartridges!

Today, we focus on preserving our existing collection and seeking out the rarest, most elusive computer systems to add to our museum. As we continue our mission to protect and celebrate these pieces of history, we're also working on a virtual museum to share our passion with the world.
Join us on this incredible journey through time, as we pay tribute to the vintage computer systems that shaped our past and laid the foundation for our present and future technological advancements. Welcome to the Vintage Computer Museum!